
Mary Ann Mansigh Series

The Mary Ann Mansigh Conversation series focuses of non-strictly technical topics of cultural interest for the simulation and modelling community. The format reflects the informative and informal nature of these sessions, with talks introducing the subject followed by a conversation between the speakers and the audience.

This series is jointly organised by CECAM and MARVEL

Computer modelling for industrial applications

Wednesday May 8 2019

In this conversation, Massimo Noro, formerly at Unilever and current Business Development Director at Daresbury labs, will discuss with Prof. William Curtin, EPFL, and with the audience the relevance of simulation for industry and his role as the leader of an important computing facility that interacts directly with industry. This conversation will offer insight on how to promote and facilitate industrial use of simulation and modelling, and will allow us to meet a “living example” of a carrier path for simulators outside academia.