
MDDB webinar series: “MDDB project and MDPosit: a prototype of distributed MD database”

17 May 2024 | 12:00-13:00 CEST
Modesto Orozco & Daniel Beltrán

Join the webinar here:https://epfl.zoom.us/j/69682341307?pwd=bXNIbWptMDE3RFZGTXRabUtFeWNRQT09

The Molecular Dynamics Data Bank (MDDB) project is an European-scale repository for biosimulation data, which harnesses decades of cutting-edge computational resources to build a unified database that compiles and organises all data generated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. 

MDDB is a collaborative initiative, bringing together some of Europe’s leading institutions to transform the handling of MD data and facilitate its sharing within the scientific community. The partners involved in this exciting project are IRB Barcelona, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, their joint spin-off Nostrum Biodiscovery, along with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, the University of Oxford, and CECAM (EPFL). 

If you would like to learn more about MDDB, please visit the project’s website.

With this series of webinars, MDDB aims to engage the MD community and discuss the importance of data sharing, the methodological and technological issues involved, and present how they are addressing these challenges, with examples taken from recent projects such as the Covid19-related MD simulations database.

During this first webinar, Modesto Orozco and Daniel Beltrán from IRB Barcelona will introduce the MDDB project and discuss their ongoing efforts to establish a distributed MD database, an approach where different research groups have their own local data repositories while contributing to a global database.