Presenting an OSSCAR…collaborative platform for Open Software Services for Classroom and Research
Location: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
The Open Software Service for Classroom and Research (OSSCAR), an open web-based platform for educational content will be presented. OSSCAR provides a collaborative environment where teachers can easily develop, deploy, and access interactive notebooks that facilitate scientific learning via visualization, examples, and numerical experimentation. The platform aims at hosting a growing number of modules, each tackling a specific topic and with the potential to be combined and organised based on the needs of each class.
New web applications with educational content are welcome and can be easily created in the OSSCAR environment, that relies on friendly and common tools, such as python and Jupyter, as the key development tools. Easy deployment of the notebooks is achieved by automatic conversion into web application via the voila software and hosting on cloud solutions. Students can then access the material directly via the web avoiding the need of bespoke installations for individual courses and learn by performing specific tasks, solving exercises, and - importantly - experimenting in real time with the interactive content of the notebooks.
Further documentation and templates for the development of OSSCAR web applications are available here.
To join us for the webinar use the link: passcode: 981620
- 14:30-14:45 Presenting an OSSCAR, Giovanni Pizzi
General introduction to the OSSCAR project, its goals, and its current and planned deliverables
- 14:45-15:00 An OSSCAR for Quantum Mechanics, Taylor Baird
Demo of a prototypical OSSCAR notebook and how it can be used in a classroom environment to aid in the delivery of an interactive lesson.
- 15:00-15:15 The OSSCAR backstage, Dou Dou
A brief dive-in into how to develop and deploy Jupyter notebooks as interactive web applications for education: components, widgets, tools and platform for deployment.
- 15:15-15:30 Would you like an OSSCAR? Sara Bonella
An invitation (and some instructions) to contribute to the OSSCAR project
- 15:30-16:00 Questions and Answers with participants
Sara Bonella (CECAM HQ) - Organiser
Giovanni Pizzi (Paul Scherrer Institute PSI) - Organiser