Bridging the worlds of electromagnetic and quantum simulations
Location: CECAM-ISR
Given the rapid growth in engineering applications of nanotechnology, it has become imperative for one to understand the nuances of electromagnetic field and matter interaction. The challenges in this area are fascinating from multiple perspectives; from bringing scales across domains for analysis to using this analysis for designing of devices. For instance, studies on disordered optical materials have been focusing on fundamental questions, such as Anderson localization in which multiple scattering creates localized modes, or Levy flights of light, indicating diffusion with time dependence faster than linear. These fundamental concepts are becoming of increasing technological relevance, and they are important in the design of novel devices based on random lasing or on superdiffusive optical materials. Downscaling conventional radio frequency antennas to submicron dimensions leads to development of nanoantennas facilitating precisely controlled strong coupling of electromagnetic radiation at infra-red and visible light frequencies to molecular and atomic devices. This, in turn, opens new venues for an efficient excitation of various non-linear effects that may be useful in potentially revolutionary technologies. For example, second order non-linearities allow for second harmonic generation and rectification at optical frequencies. Nanoantennas coupled with such rectifying devices termed nano-rectennas open novel possibilities for developing energy harvesting devices with efficiencies higher than conventional photovoltaics. In a similar vein, one can envision engineered devices that use nano-magnetic arrays for a variety of applications, from MRI to THz devices. Other examples of magnetic nanotechnologies include Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memories (STT MRAM), quantum Spin Hall effect, all optical switching of magnetic nanostructures.
Enabling the operation of these devices and systems requires the development of sophisticated and predictive physical models, mathematical formulations, numerical models, high-performance computational codes implementing these models, and the use of the models and codes for the study the device functionality and design. In particular, a number of possible applications has sparked an interest in developing robust multiscale/scale bridging methods that can be used for such analysis and design. This interest is evident in an increased number of publications in these areas as well as recent funding calls in the US, Europe, and Asia. However, true progress in this area cannot be driven by one discipline. Advances in building such scale-bridging models need collaborations between theoretical chemists, physicists, engineers, applied mathematicians, and computational scientists.
In this workshop, we intend to bring together a multidisciplinary group of prominent researchers whose common interest lies in developing multiscale and multiphysics methods for electromagnetic field matter interaction. The goal of such a meeting is to examine challenges in such modeling efforts from both theoretical and computational perspectives, propose pathways to possible solutions and identify collaborations to achieve these goals. More specifically, we propose examining the following goals:
• Advance rigorous formulations to couple classical and quantum physics of electromagnetic field and matter.
• Develop multiscale methods in space and time for numerical modeling in electrodynamics and quantum theory.
• Develop methods that account for long range correlation of disorder, partial order or anisotropies.
• Advance numerical modeling in electrodynamics and quantum theory: highly-efficient algorithms and fast solvers.
• Advance coupling of theoretical methods of quantum chemistry such as Density Functional Theory and its applications in nano-Electromagnetics.
• Advance theory of nanoantennas coupled with quantum objects.
• Explore physical principles of nanorectennas with their potential applications in solar power harvesting.
• Advance theory and modeling capabilities for quantum nanomagnetic devices.
This workshop is a unique showcase for new and emerging techniques that bridge between atomistic and quantum mechanical models and methods with methods of electromagnetics and related applications, including microwaves, optics, and magnetism. Topics of interest include advanced theoretical models that couple quantum mechanical and atomistic methods with Maxwell’s equations, the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations, spin transport equations, and other related equations. Fostering synergistic collaboration is the principal goal of the workshop. The workshop will comprise oral sessions, discussion panels of invited speakers, and a poster session. This format is geared towards an informal atmosphere facilitating discussions and collaboration between the participants.
For Registration, please see the CECAM IL site:
Amir Boag (Tel Aviv University) - Organiser
Oded Hod (Tel Aviv University) - Organiser
Amir Natan (Tel Aviv University) - Organiser
Yael Yogev (Tel Aviv University) - Organiser
Stefano Maci (University of Siena) - Organiser
United States
Shanker Balasubramaniam (Michigan State University) - Organiser
Vitaliy Lomakin (University of California, San Diego) - Organiser