Water at interfaces: from proteins to devices
Location: CECAM-AT
Due to the importance of water in many fields of science among which there are physics, biology, medicine, water treatment, atmospheric science, engineering, there is growing interest towards the behaviour of water at interfaces. Such field of study been largely emphasized in recent publications but, contrary to bulk water, it was subject only lately of few meetings. The goal of this workshop is to gather leading scientists, from a wide spectrum of disciplines ranging from biophysics to material sciences, working on modeling and experimental aspects of water at interfaces and at different length scales. We believe that the state of the art in water modeling is mature to address important applications in the fields aforementioned, hence the timeliness of this meeting is optimal and the location ideal with many local groups working on related problems. A meeting such as the one we propose will be an ideal opportunity to gather scientists, both with a theoretical as well as experimental background, that are interested and willing to discuss different approaches and issues to make an advance in this relevant field. The long term goal of this workshop is to catalyze interdisciplinary collaborations that integrate our knowledge on different length scales and coarse-grain modeling to address the study of large bio-molecular/polymeric systems and of the design of new functionalized materials.
The key points of the workshop that we propose are the following:
1) Importance of water behavior (dynamical properties) close to inorganic interfaces, with emphasis
on the properties of recent filtration membranes applied in water desalination and sanitation.
2) Accurate description of the solvation of bio-molecules. In particular, during the workshop the current problems and future perspectives of water models on both equilibrium and dynamical properties of proteins will be discussed.
3) Current computational and conceptual challenges related to the ice nucleation and ice inhibition materials, important in fields like cryo-preservation of tissues and frozen food storage, among which proteins play an important role that we will highlight in the workshop.
Oral contribution submitted before the 15th of October 2016 will be considered for addition into the program
Valentino Bianco (University of Vienna) - Organiser & speaker
Christoph Dellago (University of Vienna) - Organiser
Barbara Capone (Roma Tre University) - Organiser
Ivan Coluzza (CIC biomaGUNE) - Organiser