Exploration of ultra-fast timescales using time dependent density functional theory and quantum optimal control theory
Location: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
The proposed workshop will be grouped into following main topics
A. An overview of the experimental and theoretical developments
in manipulation of charge and spins in ultra-short time scales
B. Model Hamiltonians and established experimental approaches
(1) What can we learn about the physics at ultra-short times scales from model Hamiltonians
(2) What are the crucial open questions considering the experimental information gained so far
C. Ab-initio theory and recent experimental developments
(1) The ab-initio theory for study of laser induced charge and spin-dynamics, namely time-dependent density functional theory
(2) What is the underlying physics described by TDDFT
(3) What are the limitations of TDDFT and what is required to overcome these limitations
(4) What are the recent experimental developments and how theory can meet these experiments
D. Optimal control of charge and spins
(1) How can TDDFT be combined together with optimal control theory to manipulate spins using specially designed laser pulses
(2) Can ab-initio calculations provide parameters for model Hamiltonian for studying systems at large length scales.
(3) What are promising materials or material combinations and what are the suitable experimental methods to reach controlled manipulation of spins.
Uwe Bovensiepen (University Duisburg-Essen) - Organiser & speaker
Sangeeta Sharma (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics) - Organiser & speaker
Hardy Gross (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - Organiser & speaker