EMTCCM School on Theoretical Solid State Chemistry
Location: ZCAM Zaragoza, Spain
The theoretical simulation of materials has gained much interest in recent times thanks to the accuracy achieved by state of the art techniques and to the technological need for advanced materials. This field is well known, and a large number of courses and tutorials exist, mainly focused on audiences with strong backgrounds on Solid State Physics. Fewer possibilities exist, on the other hand, for a growing community of theoretical and computational chemists that are offering a much needed, complementary point of view. Schools on ab initio materials simulation specifically oriented for this community, that offer an appropriate combination of theoretical background and practical sessions, are thus in need. In our long-lasting teaching experience on this subject at Master or Ph.D. level for these audiences it has become clear that the subject requires this theory/practice combination if the students are to fully understand concepts and methods.
The course will be held in Zaragoza, Spain. Registration must be done in the following link:
Teresa Barriuso (University of Cantabria) - Organiser
Víctor Luaña Cabal (University of Oviedo) - Organiser
Antonio M. Márquez (Universidad de Sevilla) - Organiser
Wilson Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) - Organiser