Ab Initio Valence Bond Theory
Location: University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
The purpose of this tutorial is threefold :
i) to guide newcomers to ab initio Valence Bond to learn the necessary basics of the theory and start using some of the available VB codes (especially the XMVB and BLW programs),
ii) to be a meeting ground for chemists from diverse scientific communities, whose interest are related with aspects of ab initio VB theory ;
iii) to stimulate further developments in VB methods and algorithms, new applications of VB theory to chemical problems, and new collaborations.
Considering these purposes, the tutorial will include plenary lectures on Valence Bond theory, methods, and related models; short talks given by participants on topics relevant to VB theory ; ample time dedicated to free discussions ; "hands-on" computational sessions: basic initiation to the XMVB and BLW software. Extension lectures will as well provide connections between VB and other related wave function methods as well as with related interpretative methods.
More information of the web site :
Wu Wei (Xiamen University) - Organiser
Braida Benoît (Université of Paris VI) - Organiser
Etienne Derat (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) - Organiser
Stéphane Humbel (Aix Marseille Université) - Organiser
Hiberty Philippe (CNRS-University of Paris-Sud, Orsay) - Organiser
François Volatron (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France) - Organiser
Shaik Sason (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - Organiser
United States
Yirong Mo (Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo) - Organiser