CCP9/CECAM Graduate School
The field of electronic structure calculations has dramatically expanded over the last decade, with new developments that go beyond ground state properties and beyond standard DFT, and targetting a large variety of materials properties and applications. This widening range of capabilities is reflected by the considerable number of electronic structure codes being developed and applied throughout the scientific and industrial communities, creating a daunting barrier to new practitioners. It is also expected that students run larger and larger calculations on HPC resources, and it is important that this is done efficiently and effectively. The school aims to introduce early-stage PhD students to this field by providing a broad overview of existing methodologies and codes as well as nurturing good computational practices on HPC machines. By the end of the school the students will be able to make an informed choice of what code best applies to their area of research, as well as executing them efficiently on high-performance computing architectures.
(registration information to follow)
Stewart Clark (University of Durham) - Organiser
Jerome Jackson (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) - Organiser
Leon Petit (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) - Organiser
Barry Searle (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) - Organiser
Manuel dos Santos Dias (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) - Organiser