CECAM Conference: "Energy from the Sun: Computational Chemists and Physicists Take up the Challenge"
Location: Chia Laguna Resort, Cagliari, Italy
The goal of this CECAM conference is to bring together computational chemists, physicists, and materials scientists who are addressing the problem of solar energy conversion and storage, from different perspectives. The focus will be on novel materials as well as on fundamental physical and chemical processes that control solar energy harnessing. Areas of interest include photovoltaics, photo chemistry, photocatalysis, and solar to thermal conversion.
Both methodological developments and applications to real materials will be covered, to promote the interactions between different scientific communities. Keynote talks by leading experimentalists in the field of energy sources will help identify the most challenging issues in the design of novel materials and processes.
The conference will consist of plenary and invited talks as well as parallel sessions for contributed oral presentations, and one poster session. Some invited presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts.
The conference registration fee is 200 EUR.
Download here the poster of the conference
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN Applicants interested in participating to the conference can register using the on-line form. Deadline for registration: June 30th.
PROGRAM The conference will begin on Monday, September 10th at 3 pm and will finish on Friday, September 14th at 1pm. The full program will be posted soon.
ACCOMMODATION Applicants will receive detailed information on how to reserve the accommodation at special rates after they successfully registered. Additional information on the venue and prices can be found here. Deadline for booking accommodation: June 30th.
1 February 2012: Registration and abstracts submission open
25 April 2012: Deadline for abstracts submission
30 April 2012: Confirmation to participants and list of selected abstracts/posters
30 June 2012: Registration deadline
30 May 2012: Final program
Vincenzo Barone (Scuola Normale Superiore) - Organiser
Stefano Fabris (CNR-IOM DEMOCRITOS Simulation Center and SISSA, Trieste) - Organiser
Alessandro Mattoni (CNR-IOM SLACS, Cagliari) - Organiser & speaker
Wanda Andreoni (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)) - Organiser
United States
Giulia Galli (University of Chicago) - Organiser