Scientific background:
There is currently significant interest in understanding lectronic and
optical properties of self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots, carbon, and in particular graphene, based nanostructures, and hybdrid nanostructures, such semiconductor quantum dots with magnetic ions at the atomistic level. The common theoretical challenge rests with a multitude of length scales involved and the resulting size of the system, involving often millions of atoms.
This is well illustrated by self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots, which form spontaneously when a few monolayers of a semiconductor are deposited on a lattice-mismatched substrate. These nanostructures are then solidified by the deposition of further material. By varying the semiconductors involved, the growth conditions, strain engineering, substrate lateral patterning or vertical stacking, a rich variety of novel materials with unique and tailored electronic and optical properties can be produced. Another new development is the incorporation of controlled number of magnetic ions into semiconductor nanostructures, combining semiconducting and magnetic properties at the atomic level. Recent advances in fabrication of controlled number of single carbon layers open up a possibility of building lateral carbon based nanostructures in a way similar to semiconductor quantum dots.
These materials allow the study of fundamentally new phenomena at the nanoscale as well the development of new electronic and optoelectronic devices.
One of the main purposes of the proposed meeting will be to bring together, in a dedicated workshop, scientists working in the different areas relevant in the understanding of semiconductor, carbon and magnetic nanostructures.
François Peeters
(University of Antwerp)
- Organiser
Pawel Hawrylak
(Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council)
- Organiser
Peter Kratzer
(University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Organiser