Computational plasmonics: an ab initio and multiscale perspective
Location: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
The goal of the present workshop is to bring together the different communities working in computational plasmonics, to address open questions such as:
• How to identify a plasmon excitation in electronic structure method results? How do excitations transform from molecular-like to plasmon-like with increasing size?
• What are the bottlenecks to be overcome to get a first principle description of plasmonics? Are plasmonic systems posing conceptual or technical issues different from large molecules, or is it just a matter of size?
• Are the present multiscale approaches to molecular plasmonics complete? If not, what is missing? How can the chemical interaction be included in this framework?
• What are the computational predictions accessible to experimental verifications? What are the burning questions by experiments to theory in this field?
• Are non conventional plasmonics materials such as graphene or metal oxides posing new or different challenges with respect to metal nanostructures? Is the classical Elettrodynamics treatment as good for these materials as for metals, or an atomistic modeling is mandatory? How does nanostructuring modify the plasmonic properties of non conventional plasmonic materials?
TO APPLY: Please send an abstract using the .rtf template downloadable from the File menu to both the following addresses, specifying if you would like to be considered for an oral or a poster presentation:
Deadline for application extended to 20th July 2015. Decision about admittance to the workshop and oral/poster presentations will be communicated before 31st July. There is no conference fee.
Arrigo Calzolari (CNR-NANO Institute of Nanoscience) - Organiser
Stefano Corni (CNR-NANO, Institute of nanoscience, Modena) - Organiser