Daubechies Wavelets in Electronic Structure Calculation: BigDFT Code Tutorial
Location: Service Formation Continue Alternance et Apprentissage - 17 rue du Tour de l'Eau - Campus de Bissy - St Martin d'Hères (Grenoble), France
Daubechies wavelets have a number of interesting properties for a basis set being used for electronic structure calculations of complex systems.They form a systematic orthogonal and smooth basis, localized both in real and Fourier space and that allows for adaptivity.Since 2007 the BigDFT code uses this basis for Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory. The performances of this code meet both the requirements of precision and localization found in many applications.This code may treat traditional and complex environment (e.g. charged systems, electric fields, different boundary conditions...) with a systematic treatment and a mathematically clean description.The formalism is also suitable for state-of-the art high performance computing architectures.The data repartition scheme of the BigDFT code allows to reach optimal efficiency on massively parallel runs.Moreover, in the recent years the Daubechies wavelets formalism has proven useful to benefit from material accelerators (GPU).this code has been the object of the 2009 French Bull-Fourier prize.A hybrid (CPU-GPU) version of the full BigDFT code is available and may benefit of these architectures without reducing the efficiency in parallel runs.
Exploring the benefits of the Daubechies wavelets formalism in the context of electronic structure calculation is thus of great importance either to push state-of-the art approaches to complex environments or to implement novel treatments which may take advantage from the peculiar properties of this basis set.
Damien Caliste (CEA) - Organiser
Thierry DEUTSCH (CEA) - Organiser
Luigi Genovese Genovese (CEA Grenoble) - Organiser
Stefan Goedecker (Uni Basel) - Organiser