EMRS Fall Meeting Symposium J: Computer modelling in nanoscience and nanotechnology: an atomic-scale perspective
Location: Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
The main purpose of this Symposium, already approved within the 2012 EMRS fall meeting (Warsaw University of Technology, 17-21 September 2012), is to provide the European materials science community with a broad overview of advances, challenges and accomplishments in the area of computational materials science with a focus on atomic-scale studies. We are interested in both novel methodologies and applications for a range of systems including clusters, large molecules of technological interest, supramolecular structures in interaction, or adsorbed at surfaces, and bulk systems for which nanostructural units can be clearly identified; organic structures relevant to life science applications will also be considered.
This Symposium is embedded in the much larger framework of the EMRS mainly experimental meeting. As such, it represents a unique opportunity to celebrate the increasing importance and success of atomistic modeling techniques as a tool to complement, elucidate, inspire and guide new experiments. Our initiative will be to the only theory and modeling symposium dedicated to computational material science at the atomic-scale for the entire set of EMRS meetings (spring and fall included) planned within the year 2012.
Our Symposium will be attended not only by theoreticians but also by experimentalists participating to other Symposia, thus fostering potentially fruitful interactions between theory and experiments at the crossroad of several disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, computational methodology). The location will also facilitates participation of scientists from Easter European countries.
The Symposium will consist of invited talks and contributed talks, presented by selected promising young researchers as well as by more established practitioners, as well as contributed talks. We plan to have about 12-15 invited talks and 30 contributed talks, along the lines already proved effective for a similar event organized by some of us in 2010. As customary in these fairly large scale international scientific gatherings, one or more poster sessions will also be scheduled, with a prize for the best poster.
We consider of paramount importance, for the success of our initiative and in order to ensure its impact and resonance, to acquire for our EMRS Symposium the CECAM label. This intention goes well beyond the mere financial support we are asking to CECAM. Indeed, the partnership thereby established between CECAM and EMRS will allow to both CECAM and EMRS to interact more effectively by further approaching the communities of materials science and computational modeling.
Given the possibility of suggesting to the main EMRS headquarters the name of a highly qualified colleague that has played a crucial role in the field for the meeting plenary session, we have suggested Michele Parrinello as plenary speaker. In this way, a large number of attendees will be exposed to the ideas and the strategies underlying state-of-the-art computational material science.
Fabrizio Cleri (Institute of Microelectronics, Electronics & Nanotechnology, University of Lille I) - Organiser
Carlo Massobrio (Institut de Physique et de Chimie des Materiaux, Strasbourg) - Organiser
Rafal KOZUBSKI (Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University) - Organiser
United Kingdom
Carla Molteni (King's College London) - Organiser