Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
Location: Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
During the last years a growing number of research groups in Europe, North America and Asia have actively worked in different aspects of strongly correlated systems. New techniques have been developed, and new insight has been gained into the properties of relevant states of matter, as well as their connection to topology and quantum entanglement.
Moreover, other communities are also benefiting from the techniques being developed and the new insight provided by the physics of systems with strong correlations. Some of the existing techniques have been already successfully applied to numerical simulations in Quantum Chemistry and Lattice Gauge Theory, and several of the analytical developments are currently being used in Quantum Gravity and Quantum Computation, just to name some examples. Only a rich interaction of the community with these and other fields will tell us whether the techniques being developed can shed some light on questions which challenge the most established tools, as is the case of frustrated systems, dynamic simulations, and topological quantum matter.
The workshop goal is to favor the advance in the field of strongly correlated systems, in a two-fold fashion. On the one hand, it will host the discussion of current developments in the field among the leading researchers in the area with specialized talks focusing on recent results. On the other hand, it will provide long "perspective" lectures on advanced topics, with the aim of being understandable by the whole audience (specially to young postdocs and graduate students), in order to promote a common scientific basis for researchers in the field.
The necessity for a specialized meeting in the area of strongly correlated systems is clear nowadays given its fast development and the critical mass acquired by the community. This workshop, the sixth of its kind organized in Benasque, will thus offer a dedicated forum for the presentation of recent progress in the field, the discussion among experts and the exchange of new ideas. Regarding the second objective, we will seek the participation of well-known experts who can provide lectures with a broad perspective. The exchange of ideas will plant the seed for many future international collaborations.
Examples of specific topics to be treated in the workshop are:
• New tensor network numerical methods
• Advances in topological order
• Tensor network description of chiral topological states
• Entanglement Hamiltonians, AdS/CFT, and Holographic Principle
• Simulation of lattice gauge theories
• Machine Learning and topological phases
Didier Poilblanc (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique) - Organiser
Nicolas Regnault (CNRS, ENS -Paris) - Organiser
Roman Orus (University of Mainz) - Organiser
Norbert Schuch (Max Planck Insitute of Quantum Optics, Garching) - Organiser