High performance models for charge transport in large scale materials systems
Location: University of Bremen, Germany
The two days tutorial precedes the CECAM Workshop on "High Performance Models for Charge Transport in Large Scale Materials System". It aims to give a theoretical and practical introduction into atomistic electron transport simulations. It contains lectures on Density Functional Theory and Density Functional Tight Binding as well as on the equilibrium and the non-equilibrium Greens function formalism for calculating electron transport phenomena in various materials. The lectures are immediately followed by practical hands-on sessions, where participants can apply and deepen the acquired theoretical knowledge by calculating various ground state and electron transport properties in selected materials systems via quantum mechanical simulations. The DFTB+ program [1,2] extended with the libNEGF [3,4] library will be used as a simulation tool, since it allows fast and efficient quantum mechanical electron transport simulations at high accuracy. The participants will be supervised by the main developers of DFTB+ and libNEGF in order to enable and to motivate direct discussions between developers and users. [1] B. Aradi, B. Hourahine, and Th. Frauenheim. DFTB+, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111(26):5678, 2007. 39, 54 [2] http://www.dftb-plus.info [3] A. Pecchia, L. Salvucci, G. Penazzi and A. Di Carlo, New Journal of Physics 10, 065022 (2008). [4] https://bitbucket.org/pecchia/libnegf
Balint Aradi (University of Bremen) - Organiser & speaker
Thomas Frauenheim (University of Bremen) - Organiser
Alessandro Pecchia (CNR-ISMN, Rome) - Organiser & speaker
United Kingdom
Ben Hourahine (University of Strathclyde) - Organiser & speaker