The event will take place Wednesday, June 5 - Friday, June 7, 2019, at the Staudinger Lecture Hall of the MPI for Polymer Research. We will start around lunchtime on June 5 (Wednesday) and end around lunchtime on June 7 (Friday).
For further information see the webpage at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research.
For registration please apply through the CECAM website. We will then inform you about your acceptance.
After acceptance, please transfer the conference fee of 200 Euros to the following bank account:
Max Planck Society c/o MPI for Polymer Research
IBAN: DE80 7007 0010 0195 1383 16
In the bank transfer, please mention as purpose of payment: MMSD POLYWGB21 (Name of participant).
After acceptance, abstracts for contributed talks or posters can be submitted through the CECAM website.
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is May 1, 2019.
For further information regarding registration see the webpage at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research.