We propose to organise a workshop in 2008 on mineral spectroscopy, one of the most rapidly expanding fields at the boundary between physics and the earth sciences This will continue the successful series of CECAM-Psi-k workshops on the application of ab-initio methods in the earth sciences, held on a bienniel basis over several years,. The combination of laser heated diamond anvil cell techniques and synchrotron radiation sources has driven an unprecedented development of mineral spectroscopy, with nuclear resonant forward scattering, inelastic X-ray and absorption spectroscopy, and many other spectroscopic
methods now being routinely used to study the properties of minerals at the extreme conditions of relevance for the deep earth. However, ab-initio calculations of the spectroscopic properties of materials are one of the most challenging areas at the forefront of electronic structure theory. The workshop aims at encouraging mutual exchanges between experimentalists and theorists, as well as among theorists using different approaches, in order to improve first principles predictions of spectroscopic properties of minerals.
Bjoern Winkler
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt)
- Organiser
Sandro Scandolo
(The Abdus Salam ICTP)
- Organiser
United Kingdom
Michele Warren
(The University of Oxford)
- Organiser