Modeling Wetting Phenomena: From Particle Based Models to the Continuum
Location: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Liquids, polymer films or nanoscale solid films in contact with smooth, soft, or rugged substrates at the sub-micrometer scale play a central role in an increasing number of technological applications, including nanofluidics, coatings and micro-electronic devices.
While experimental techniques have progressed such that the precise design of surfaces can be controlled from the macroscopic scale to the nanometer scale, the increased power of computers as well as methodological developments enable particle based simulation methods as well as lattice gas schemes to model wetting phenomena closer to experimental dimensions. Moreover, the recent development of hybrid methods, which aim to connect the nanometer scale to continuum, opens the possibility to model wetting phenomena at the macroscopic scale without neglecting the detailed description of interactions in the vicinity of the substrate surface.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts involved in the modeling of surfaces and interfaces by means of particle based simulation methods and continuum models.
Another goal of the workshop is the confrontation between two communities which are usually disconnected, respectively addressing the wetting of liquids and solids. We claim that these communities face similar problems, such as the connection between atomistic simulations and continuum models, or the role of substrate patterning on wetting properties, and should therefore be inspired by the solutions developed recently by the other.
Finally, the workshop will include experimentalists, which will inspire theoreticians for a quantitative and realistic modeling of relevant and specific systems.
Samy MERABIA (CNRS and Université Lyon 1) - Organiser & speaker
Olivier Pierre-Louis (CNRS and Université de Lyon) - Organiser & speaker
Frédéric Leroy (Technische Universität Darmstadt) - Organiser & speaker
Florian Müller-Plathe (Technische Universität Darmstadt) - Organiser