Molecular hydrodynamics meets fluctuating hydrodynamics.
Location: CECAM-ES, Residencia La Cristalera. Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid.
In the realm of molecular hydrodynamics, we seek two sort of intertwined discussions
-Theoretical: a modern revision of the classic subject of molecular hydrodynamics, and coarse-graining theories, where new scientist are now actively working with physics and mathematical grounds
-Computational: how to implement these theoretical approaches on schemes for fluctuating particle hydrodynamics, including Eulerian-Lagrangian methods using immersed boundaries (finite volume, Lattice Boltzmann) and full-Lagrangian methods (SPH) of colloidal dispersions and polymer solutions.
These discussions will focus on the following problems:
-Translating the dynamics of medium size molecules and their small aggregates in a specific solvent to a hydrodynamic description where the solvent effect is implicit.
-Conceptual approaches that allow for a systematic and consistent derivation of effective potentials and effective friction at different levels of description without loosing connection with macroscopic properties (e.g. intrinsic viscosity).
-Extensions to non-equilibrium states: the interplay between molecular and hydrodynamics effects on flow of nanoparticles (10-100 nm) at finite Peclet number.
Concerning multi-scheme approachs and hybrids. We will focus on different scales micro (Amstrongs to 100nm), meso (100nm-tens of microns) and macro (centimeters to meters).
Some relevant examples are
-Macro: New multi-schemes or hybrid approaches to merge Eulerian-Lagrangian methods (finite volume or LB) with SPH in descriptions of free interfases of fluids with disparate rheology.
-Micro: New ideas to include molecular detail (MD) at specific domains using Adaptive Resolution as the glueing model-interface with other coarse-grained level (including SPH). How to include energy transport. Application to liquid-liquid interfaces (drop coalescence), walls and molecular slippage.
-Meso: Molecular transcription of effective boundary conditions in fluctuating particle hydrodynamics methodologies (wetting, slippage, membranes, etc). Ways to provide new physical roles to Immersed Boundary interpolators in minimally resolved particle models and flexible structures.
Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) - Organiser
Pep EspaƱol (National University of Distance Education) - Organiser
Ignacio Pagonabarraga (CECAM HQ) - Organiser