New frontiers in liquid matter
Location: Paris, France
Liquid matter physics has seen during the past decades a tremendous broadening, covering meanwhile not only physics, but also chemistry and biology, as well as -- from the methodological aspect -- mathematics and computer science. Concomitantly, the research activities which, admittedly, were originally rather motivated by academic curiosity have become relevant for numerous technological and practical applications, thanks in particular to the experimental developments now offering the possibility to fabricate and investigate complex soft matter systems at the single-particle level or to manipulate flows down to the nanoscale.
The idea of this workshop originated from the anticipation of Jean-Pierre Hansen’s 80th birthday in May 2022. Jean-Pierre, now an emeritus professor in Paris, has played a key role in the development of liquid state theories and the simulation of liquid matter, as well as in establishing the CECAM community. From his early days in the group of Loup Verlet in Orsay (at the time where CECAM was created) to his European career in Paris, Lyon (he was among the founding fathers of ENS Lyon, where CECAM moved from Orsay) and Cambridge, he trained a large number of leading members of this community, at the interface between Physics and Chemistry, either directly or indirectly via his seminal books with Ian McDonald and Jean-Louis Barrat that influenced generations of new scientists in the field. His leading role has been recognized by many distinctions, including the Liquid Matter Prize of the European Physical Society in 2005 and the Berni J. Alder CECAM Prize in 2013.
The objective of this workshop is twofold. The first and obvious one is to celebrate Jean-Pierre’s 80th birthday by gathering scientists who have interacted with him throughout his career. The second is two organize a high-profile scientific workshop focused on the latest developments of liquid matter related topics to which Jean-Pierre has made important contributions. This second objective will in particular be achieved by also inviting and accepting contributed talks from speakers without direct link with him but who illustrate the vitality of these fields, including: fundamentals of classical and quantum liquids, soft matter, charged systems and glassy systems.
Invited speakers:
- Rosalind Allen
- Ludovic Berthier
- Giulio Biroli
- Elisabeth Charlaix
- Marjolein Dijkstra
- Joachim Dzubiella
- Bob Evans
- Ramin Golestanian
- Angelos Michaelides
- Roland Netz
- Susan Perkin
- Stefano Sacanna
as well as special guests...
Important dates:
- abstract submission: March 15th, 2022
- notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2022
Please note that due to technical reasons, before your participation in the event is accepted you can only apply for a poster, but all abstracts will be considered as possible contributed talks (20 minutes).
Practical informations:
The conference will take place in Sorbonne Université (« campus Pierre et Marie Curie », formerly known as Jussieu — the metro station kept the same name). The lecture hall is "Amphi 24", whose entrance is located on the Jussieu level, corresponding to the ground floor when entering the campus from Place Jussieu. More details will be sent to registered participants in due time.
In order to prepare your contribution, please note that:
- plenary talks extend over 40 minutes (including discussion)
- contributed talks extend over 20 minutes (including discussion)
- posters walls will be available for presenting the posters (A0, vertical); posters will be on display during the entire workshop
Gerhard Kahl (Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU Wien) - Organiser
Lyderic Bocquet (CNRS and ENS) - Organiser
Benjamin Rotenberg (CNRS and Sorbonne Université) - Organiser
Emmanuel Trizac (Université Paris-Saclay) - Organiser