Quantum Plasmonics
The main goal of QUPLA is to initiate a discussion and an exchange of ideas between researchers who model plasmonic systems, but work in different subfields of nanophysics. Specifically, the workshop will focus on light-matter interactions involving small metal nanoparticles and regimes when quantum effects are relevant and give rise to novel phenomena with potential for technological applications and advances in basic science.
QUPLA will bring together scientists from the following exciting fields: plasmonics, many-body physics, electronic structure theory, quantum optics, and nonlinear optics. We will discuss the latest progress, shape future directions and facilitate the formation of a community driven by the shared interests.
The duration of the workshop will be three days. On each day, we will have a number of talks given by leading theorists and experimentalists that will highlights capabilities and achievements as well as shortcomings and challenges of current state-of-the-art approaches. After these talks, we will have extended panel discussions where the presenters will compare approaches, discuss connections to current experiments, seek to identify promising routes to overcome current challenges and answer questions of the audience.
In addition to the official program, the workshop will have ample time for informal discussions during coffee breaks and social dinners.
Participants will present their research during a poster session.
Vincenzo Giannini (Imperial College London) - Organiser
Johannes Lischner (Imperial College London) - Organiser
Arash Mostofi (Imperial College London) - Organiser
John Pendry (Imperial College London) - Organiser