Simulating Soft Matter with ESPResSo, ESPResSo++ and VOTCA
Location: University of Stuttgart, Germany
The schools program can be found here.
The school consists of lectures and hands-on sessions in two tracks, both for beginners as well as for experienced users of ESPResSo and ESPResSo++. Furthermore, there will be a poster session, where participants have the opportunity to discuss their projects with the other participants and the speakers, and a number of scientific talks where scientists will present recent research projects that were done with any of the software packages.
The workshop will take place at the Institute for Computational Physics, Allmandring 3,70569 Stuttgart. Directions on how to get there can be found here.
There is now registration fee for the workshop. We kindly ask participants to make their own travel arrangements. We do not provide accommodation, but our administrative staff can help you find a suitable place to stay. If you need help in that regard, please contact us.
Christian Holm (University of Stuttgart) - Organiser
Torsten Stuehn (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research) - Organiser
Florian Weik (Institute for Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart) - Organiser