Static and Dynamic methods for the study of photoinitiated processes
Location: CECAM-ES
The tutorial will be organized in 4 theoretical and 5 practical sessions, the latter taking place in the computer lab. The theoretical sessions will be of 4.5 hours and practical sessions will last 4 hours. The school will comprise 3 didactic blocks.
The first block will have an introductory character and will offer an overview of the field. The following block will focus on mono- and multi-configurational electronic structure methods for the description of excited states. The last block will cover dynamics methodologies. (see description below). The school will end with a comprehensive overview (2 hours) of state-of-the-art applications, limitations, suitabilities, future perspectives and challenges of the different static and dynamical approaches described in the school.
1st Block (6 hours): Overview of modern electronic and vibrational photochemistry. Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Ground and excited potential energy surfaces topology and light-matter interaction. Building bridges between experiment and theory: theoretical approaches to simulate steady state and transient absorption spectra. Excited state deactivation processes.
2nd Block (18 hours): Quantum Chemical Calculations of Excited States: Mono- and Multiconfigurational Methods. CASSCF and RASSCF methods. Choice of the active space. Single vs. state-average calculations. Basis sets considerations. Introducing dynamical correlation: the CASPT2 method. CASPT2 problems and solutions. DFT. Runge-Gross theorems. Linear response TDDFT. Propagation of the electronic density. Spectra calculation. Approximation of xc-functionals. This block includes 3 practical sessions of 4 hours each, comprising introductions to MOLCAS and OCTOPUS codes, simulation of absorption spectra and exploration of the topography of potential energy surfaces (location of stationary points and surface crossings).
3rd Block (14 hours): Wave Packet propagations and semiclassical dynamics. Time-evolution operator, propagation. Relaxation method, filtering method. Interaction with an electric field. Correlation functions, spectra and eigenfunctions. Pump-probe spectroscopy and control, including an introduction to optimal control theory and local control. Born-Oppenheimer and Ehrenfest dynamics. Nonadiabatic dynamics, Tully's surface hopping. This block includes 2 practical sessions of 4 hours each, introducing quantum and semiclassical dynamics techniques.
Ines Corral (Autonomous University of Madrid) - Organiser
Jesús González Vázquez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) - Organiser
Wilson Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) - Organiser