Summer School on Atomistic Simulation Techniques for Material Science, Nanotechnology and Biophysics
Location: SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Undergraduate students in physics or chemistry normally have a solid theoretical background but very little (if any) experience with computer simulations. Moreover, they normally have no clear perception of the importance of computer simulations in understanding the behavior of real systems.
This School, that has already been held this year with great success, is aimed at bridging this gap. At the end of the school the students should have a clear idea of the importance of computer simulations; should be aware of the problems that are still open and are at the center of current research effort; should have the capability of writing a code for performing a simple simulation or an analysis.
The School is hosted by SISSA and DEMOCRITOS. These institutions are major players in the field of numerical simulations of material properties with a 25-year tradition of methodological innovation and high-quality software development.
Interested applicants should apply directly through the form available at the school web site:
Federico Becca (University of Trieste) - Organiser
Alessandro Laio (SISSA) - Organiser
Cristian Micheletti (SISSA) - Organiser
Stefano de Gironcoli (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati - International School for Advanced Studies) - Organiser