Summer School on Bandstructure meets Many Body Theory
Location: Vienna University of Technology, Austria; morning lectures: Karlsplatz 13, Hörsaal 7; afternoon tutorials: "Freihaus" Wiedner Hauptstraße, EDV Praktikum; Physik
A particular challenge of computational materials science is the calculation of materials in the presence of strong electronic correlations and exchange. In this case, the local density approximation (LDA) or generalized gradient approximation to the exchange correlation potential often yields unreliable results. In recent years we have seen tremendous progress in this field: The aim of the Summer School is to educate the next generation of scientists in both, bandstructure and many body theory. To this end, we will have lectures in the morning and hands‐on tutorials in the afternoon on the following topics:
- Local Density Approximation (LDA)
- Exact Exchange
- Quantum Chemistry Approaches (CI and active space techniques)
- GW
- Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG)
- Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)
- Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT)
- Combining Methods: LDA+DMFT and GW+DMFT
How‐to‐apply: Visit our website: http://www.sfb‐‐schools
Karsten Held (Institute for Solid State Physics) - Organiser
Georg Kresse Kresse (University of Vienna) - Organiser & speaker