Summer School on Molecular Dynamics for Material Science, Nanotechnology and Biophysics
Molecular dynamics simulations are ubiquitously used in Material Science, Nanotechnology and Biophysics. Graduate students in Physics or Chemistry typically have a solid background in stat-mech and condensed-matter physics but little knowledge of the numerical algorithms and concepts that are the bedrock for any theoretical work in such areas. The proposed activity aims at filling this cultural gap by providing an introduction to molecular dynamics simulation techniques and quantum mechanical calculations without previous experience. The school is thus directed at undergraduate students. This makes the activity quite unique: most available schools on scientific programming are targeted to students/young researchers with a working knowledge of specific methods, while the proposed school is explicitly dedicated to beginners.
The purposes of this School will be:
(i) providing undergraduate students with a basic but detailed overview of the theoretical foundations of classical molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics methods, as well as to combine them using machine-learning potentials.
(ii) giving an overview of the domains of interesting applications.
(iii) providing the basics for writing and running in practice simple molecular simulations
At the end of the school the students will have acquired a first-hand experience with numerical simulations for a broad range of common scientific contexts, will be aware of the challenges and open problems in computational physics, and will be able to write their own codes for simulating systems of their interest and carry out the pertinent data analysis.
Venue: The event will take place at the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Trieste.
Subscription free: The participants will have to pay a fee of 100 EUR as a contribution towards the organization expenses. The fee will cover:
- Lodging (July 8 to July 19) in a room shared with another participant
- 10 Lunches
- Social Dinner
- Bus tickets
The participant will have to cover travel expenses to Trieste and the remaining meals.
Application: in addition to filling the participation form on the CECAM website, you will have to complete this google form. Applicants that have submitted only the CECAM application or only the google form will not be considered. Priority will be given to undergraduate students. Please note that the participation deadline has been anticipated to May 12.
Giuseppe Brancato (Scuola Normale Superiore) - Organiser
Giovanni Bussi (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati) - Organiser
Alessandro Laio (SISSA) - Organiser