Theory and Computation of Electronic Structure: New Frontiers<br/><span style='color:#666'>Symposium at DPG Spring Meeting</span>
Location: Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Recent years have seen rapid progress in the calculation of excitations and response properties of many-electron systems. This goes hand in hand with progress in the determination of ground state properties, like for example van der Waals interaction, which arise from density fluctuations. Questions that previously seemed to be out of reach, like the description of strongly localized d- or f-electrons within many-body perturbation theory, are now started to be addressed thanks to partially self-consistent approaches or better starting points for the perturbation calculations.
Time has come to make the point on the current situation, and to look across new frontiers. The present symposium aims at giving this impulse.
See :
Xavier Gonze (UCLouvain) - Organiser
Lucia Reining (CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique) - Organiser
Matthias Scheffler (Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) - Organiser