Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence
Location: Centre Blaise Pascal, ENS Lyon, France
This workshop is dedicated to the theoretical challenges in the field of quantum gases, with a strong connection to condensed matter physics - including strongly correlated systems, low-dimensional systems, disorder effects etc.
The workshop will take place on 5-8 June 2012, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyonin Lyon, France.
Frederic Chevy (LKB - ENS Paris) - Organiser
Anna Minguzzi (CNRS) - Organiser
Edmond Orignac (Ens-Lyon) - Organiser
Tommaso Roscilde (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) - Organiser
Roberta Citro (Università degli Studi di Salerno) - Organiser
Alessio Recati (INO-CNR, Bose-Einstein Condensate Center, Trento) - Organiser