E-CAM Centre of Excellence
The E-CAM Centre of Excellence, is a project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Program, coordinated by CECAM at EPFL. It is based around CECAM’s distributed European Network of simulation science nodes and the physical computational infrastructure of the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). The project is a partnership of 16 CECAM Nodes, 4 PRACE centres, 12 industrial partners and one Centre for Industrial Computing (Hartree Centre).
The aim of the E-CAM project is to
- Support the development of software that can solve important simulation and modelling problems in industry and academia, with applications that can range from drug development, to the design of new materials. Tune those codes to run on High Performance Computers (HPC), through application co-design for HPC technologies, and the provision of HPC oriented libraries and services that push the community to adopt those technologies.
- Train scientists from industry and academia on the development of methods and of software that can be used in HPC systems;
- Support industrial end-users (both large multinationals and Small-Medium Enterprises) in their use of simulation and modelling. This includes the organization of workshops with industry to identify areas of mutual interest, training courses for industrialists on specific families of methods, software and HPC tools, as well as the possibility to engage in direct discussions with experts in the CECAM community.
The developed software targets efficient implementation of existing algorithms and optimal first deployment of new methods across areas including rare events, electronic structure, quantum dynamics, and meso and multiscale modelling. E-CAM benefits from input and coordinated actions within the CECAM network, which includes leaders in each of these areas therefore providing a unique access point to broad simulation expertise. The capabilities of the network are demonstrated by the range of successful pilot project with academic and industrial partners that currently span applications in materials, quantum computing, and biophysics.